Studio Giraffe

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  • Veganuary Campaign Infographic

Veganuary Campaign Infographic


Veganuary Campaign Infographic


Studio Giraffe designed a post-campaign infographic for Veganuary, a non-profit organisation that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. In Singapore, the charity Centre for a Responsible Future (CRF) ran the campaign through their Animal Allies program for 2020.

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Studio Giraffe designed a post-campaign infographic for Veganuary, a non-profit organisation that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. In Singapore, the charity Centre for a Responsible Future (CRF) ran the campaign through their Animal Allies program for 2020.




Infographic design

Social media post designs

Copy editing


Design an infographic to showcase the growth of Veganuary in Singapore on digital platforms (CRF website, social media channels).


The content was designed to work as four larger sections forming one infographic: an overview of Veganuary; key statistics; digital campaign metrics and the overall outcome. Each section includes bite-sized information conveying the focus and results of the campaign.

The sections could then be easily divided and used as a social media carousel.

The look and feel was based on the existing Veganuary branding, with a focus on bold colours and typography.

Photography was selected with an aim to convey the variety of vegan food now available beyond salads or fruits; mixed with animal-centric photography and illustrations.